Sonair Through The Wall System
The Brink Climate Systems Sonair A+ is a wall mounted positive input ventilation system designed to input fresh air into an apartment or dwelling. The system is designed to absorb outside noise and also filter all the incoming air. It also has an option of recirculating and filtering the indoor air. These non-central ventilation systems are ideal for retrofitting because no central system of pipework is needed in the house.
The Sonair offers the following:
- Ventilation, filtering and sound-proofing
- Low power consumption
- Prevents condensation mould and mildew.
- Windows can remain closed (burglary and noise protection)
- Can be equipped with G2 standard partice filters or a F6 filter for completely removing pollens and other outside air contaminants.
- Low cost solution to poor indoor air quality.
Please enquire direct to our customer service centre 0800 866 855 for either direct purchase prices or our supply and installation service of this product.